Camping Weekend
You didn't want to go
I planned the trip.
Made the reservation
You didn't want to go.
I planned the meals.
Bought the food.
You didn't want to go.
Stay home. Stay warm
Play video games
You didn't know or care where it was.
Too far away
Too cold.
You didn't want to go
I got out the equipment.
I checked the weather.
Packed the car.
You didn't want to go
I waited for you. And waited.
We didn't leave very late.
You didn't want to go.
It would be miserable.
It would be cold.
You thought it was beautiful.
You had a good time.
You apologized.
I am exhausted.
I don't want to beg people to travel
with me.
I put away the food.
Cleaned the dished.
You played video games and rested.
I don't want to
travel with you
I want to go with someone
who wants to be with me.